It is a fact that hair is every woman’s weak point.
No matter whether your are blonde or brunette, whether your hair is straight or curly, one thing is certain: you definitely pay attention to its condition.
Unfortunately, the appearance of our hair does not always coincide with what we want.
Our strands are constantly exposed to damaging factors, such as: high temperatures, bleaching, colour-treating or mechanical damaging. Additionally, there are some very harmful factors beyond our control: strong, hot sun, sharp frost, and even rain, which may contain toxic particles.
Shampoos and hair conditioners, unfortunately, do not provide complete regeneration and the ideal appearance. It is just a drop in the ocean, of your hair’s needs.
It is time to reach for the best treatment available on the market. Nanoil has offered a breakthrough solution in terms of nourishing and regenerating hair. It is the one and only Nanoil hair oil.
The product comes in three different versions that allow you to match it to your particular hair type and its porosity. Each product contains the most valuable components that you should reach for in your daily hair care. Those are natural oils, cold-pressed from seeds, kernels and fruit pulp.
You can distinguish three types of porosity, therefore, Nanoil has developed three versions of oil:
- Nanoil for low porosity hair
- Nanoil for medium porosity hair
- Nanoil for high porosity hair
Moreover, it is very easy to define your hair porosity. After reading detailed description on the producer’s website, most women are able to precisely determine their hair porosity. However, if you are a perfectionist and you want to be 100% sure, you can also consult a trichologist, who uses professional tools.
Nanoil provides hair with comfort, that hasn’t been experienced in a long time. It is not only the power of precious natural oils, but also a range of valuable ingredients that are well suited to all hair types: all in order to grow beautiful and healthy strands.]
Among those beneficial components you will find:
- silk – smooths and improves resilience
- vitamin A – regulates sebum secretion,
- vitamin E also called ‘the vitamin of youth’; inhibits ageing processes, strengthens bulbs
- panthenol – regenerates hair, boosts the production of keratin
- keratin – helps to regenerate hair keratin structure
- lanolin – smooths, provides resilience and softness
Thanks to microscopic nurturing particles contained in natural oils, Nanoil is able to regenerate hair along its entire shaft as well as strengthen the bulbs. Additionally, it improves processes taking place on the scalp, ensures proper level of hydration, regulates sebum secretion. What is more, Nanoil works not only inside hair but also on the surface by providing protection from impurities and heat, right after the first use.
Many women admit that Nanoil also helps their partners in hair and beard care. Both men and women are pleased with one more, very important feature of this cosmetic: Nanoil boosts hair growth!
Thanks to regular hair oiling, even dormant hair bulbs are nourished and stimulated to work. In consequence, your hair becomes thicker and you start noticing the appearance of the so-called baby hair. The entire growth process is also a lot quicker.
What is more, you will fall in love with Nanoil for one more, pleasant feature: it smells amazingly and intensively beautifies hair. Straightaway!
What a classy bottle!
but, will it be enough for the whole treatment??//
For sure, small amount is enough for one time application, besides effects are soon visible. I know because I use this oil for several months now.
Finally can use straightener safely!!!

I used it for 2 months, regularity and all that and there is some improvement, but not like super spectacular. Only after I went to my hair stylist to lighten hair, she told me that the change is incredible!! She asked me even what I use
true must have!
I tell you go for it, but choose right oil for the hair type. At first I used for high porosity hair and I wasn’t quite sure about the effect. After doing the test, it turns out I have low porosity, now I use the correct nanoil and i’m more than happy
I’m skeptical bout inventions like this. Oil weighs hair down so much. I find it hard to believe that it has this many benefits…
I went along with treatment using this oil and I can see immeasurable change! Now I only use it for maintenance, more in the summer, when I at the seaside where salt water and the sun can harm it
Ladies, have you heard about hair oil treatment before? Because to be true I only heard of it when I learned about nanoil..
Hair oil treatment is like very common hair care method know since forever and apparently it helps with damaged hair.
How complicated is the treatment? I have long and thick hair, apply it on my own may be challenging.. anyone had problem with it?
my hair was falling out, was matte and rough in touch. I made a break from colorization, stayed away from the dryer and started using nanoil. Incredible! I don’t remember when was the last time my hair was so pretty
Got nanoil for high porosity hair as a gift and it’s superb! My hair is much better since I use it.
waste of time and money, conditioner is more than enough
have it, use it, never give it up!
I’m using oil from the other brand but in similar pricing and I see no difference. In general oils are good for hair.
very good cosmetic, especially for those of you who consequently and constantly subject their hair to invasive treatments
Today I acquired nanoil for medium porosity hair and i’m very curious as to how it works.
It’s my first oil, till now I was using only thick creamy conditioner or hair masks 
I started using Nanoil in the spring because as my experience proofs it every summer ends up with damaged hair for me. I truly hope it will work
for now is more glossy
it helped my friend with hair loss
I use it for a long time and there’s difference to my hair-most of all hair is stronger and stopped falling out. But mostly visible is change in the shine
not for me, obviously! Hair may stop fall out but hair is heavy from the oil. Perhaps I chose wrong oil for my hair type..
i’ll say this, the application itself is so freaking pleasant, great fragrance
This is so so great that I’d use it everyday, i’m addicted to this oil
I bought for my mum as a present lately and she’s happy with it

is hair oiling only for very dry and damaged hair?
Not necessarily! If your hair gets oily, you just have to choose right oil for your self and that should solve the problem
the texture goes well with me, it is more pleasing than the regular oil and sort of lighter
All in all I recommend hair oiling, it really helps a lot.
How to choose the right hair oil?
aaand I just bought it and it’s because of your opinions
It doesn’t work for me! :-<
Regularity and regularity, just like it says on the leaflet. Most important is to do it systematically. I did it and I see the result!
As with all the cosmetics that you expect effectiveness you have to use it on daily basis. No regularity no effects. Simple!
I’m extremely lazy and I don’t want to do all the hair oiling but my hair is dry, so by the end of blowdrying I apply a bit and after drying and hair looks really good
Do it at least twice, trice a month: apply nanoil on dry hair and leave it overnight. You’ll see the difference